Thursday, November 8, 2007

This is my first post on my Blog.

We thought we'd create a blog site for the Baby shower with some pictures of his room and some ideas of things we'd like, since a lot of it isn't from Babies R Us and Target.

We've included a few pictures of us. Obviously the ones of me pregnant are recent. I've gained 40 lbs already. I'm 29 weeks along.

Toby and I are going to see a woman today who does massage during labor. We're hoping to have to use the crazy epidurol drugs... of course, lots of women say that until the moment arrives!!

We'll be delivering in the new Northwestern Women's Apprentice that has all new private rooms and showers etc., so Toby and Ellie will actually be able to stay and get some sleep if they want.

Aiden's due date is Jan. 27, 2008.

So far the theme for the baby room is purple and blue stars and moons. Once we finish painting and putting up the border, I'll take some pictures and post them.

We've already received some really lovely gifts too that I will post soon.

1 comment:

parenting noobs said...

Love it! I hope you keep up with it... I'd love to see how everything is going! :)