Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A Day of Firsts!

Well, today was certainly a big day. Both in the world and in our world!

We have our first black president of course.
It was Aiden's first Birthday today.
He had his first Birthday cake.
We played peek-a-boo where he was doing the hiding from me for the first time.
First Bubble bath
took his first step.

Yep. He likes to stand and wave his arms around, or sling a toy around, so while he was doing so, I moved his walking assistant toy a little away from him and he took two steps to get to it. Strangely enough I was talking to my Dad on Skype at the time, so even though he grandpa lives in Alabama, he got to witness the baby's first step. He did it again a few minutes later and then, like a good baby, COMPLETELY lost interest.

Hopefully I'll have some pictures up tomorrow and if I can figure it out, even a video.


parenting noobs said...

That's awesome! Congrats on everything!

Go Aiden, it's your birthday! We're gonna party like it's your birthday! haha

Anonymous said...

That's soooo cool. Go Aiden. Love, Nonna